No it hasn't snowed in Voss yet, the first snow won't be for a while I'm told.
If you have read a Outside magazine or any sporty, fitness type magazine you have probably read one of their new greatest way to get strong articles. You may have also encountered references to week 6. As I understand, when you start a new strength program you will soon begin making noticeable improvements, up until week 6. At week 6 the progress suddenly slows and people begin loosing faith as they feel their training is not working. The key here is power through week 6 as you will soon start feeling the benefits again. This pertains to my blog in that I recently hit week 6 (or close enough) and the obvious blog posts that just take typing began to dry up. For the past week I have not written anything. So in order to get past my week 6 doldrums I am implementing my first weekly column, Ski News Of Week (not "the week" because SNOW is SNOW). This column will be written whenever the best SNOW of the week occurs. If there is anything that can get me past week 6 it is SNOW.
This weeks SNOW is this mornings classic roller ski with some short sprints. I woke up feeling less than stellar so I took it extra easy during tour part of the workout assuming the last position. As it gets colder here in Voss the road which we roller ski is increasingly being chosen by where the road is least likely to be covered in ice. Today that meant a tour up the valley. This tour has a very long gradual climb that takes around 20 minutes to complete. The top of the hill is about as far as we went as people began to turn around. At this point it was all down hill to where we do the sprint starts which normally would be awesome. However, my fantastic new roller skis, I won in the Ski Trax Fantasy World Cup contest, made by Ski*Go are significantly slower than the Swenors everyone uses in Voss. As a result I lose about a minute or more to everyone on the way down. This meant that I arrived to the sprint starts right as the first one was beginning and got paired with Kristen Skjeldal. Today there was no moving up and down between groups so it was Kristen and I the whole time. I am going to assume that sprint starts are about the only thing skiing wise that I can best him in and I was able to win all the sprints (there may have been one tie, but given how badly he is going to beat me in the FIS skating hill climb that takes place during the winter I feel okay claiming the win today). The sprints definitely knocked much of the "less than stellerness" out of me and now I have strength training and my weekly Thursday night soccer game tonight.
On a side note I have no idea what "proverbial" means but I think it is often used in the fashion that titles this blog.