Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gotta Eat

As someone who lives in a hybel one of the things I must do is feed myself many times each day. Originally I found this quite hard as I never could decide what to make. Thus I created a simple formula assigning different factors that go into what I eat a percentage (basically how much I value them). So without further ado here is my trusty formula (all values are imprecise as I decided to round to the tenth for reading ease).

Time of Day-4.8%- overall pretty unimportant though can act as the swing vote between pancakes and steak for dinner.
Preparation Time-15.3%-winners: bacon and eggs, yogurt and granola, chocolate boller (helpful hint: always make more pancake batter than you can eat so that next time your preparation time will be nil)
Noise-8.9%-try to watch a TV show with bacon crackling in the background and you'll understand
Deliciousness-16.2%-Why eat it if it doesn't taste good?
International Man of Mystery Factor-4.7%-I bet Austin Powers can cook a mean Beef Wellington, but the other day I had Beef Ramen.
Oatmeal on the Appalachian Trail Factor-3.4%-I give this one way too little sway, basically will I eat this everyday and grow so tired of it that I can't stand the sight of it (I'm testing this with vanilla yogurt and granola).
Dietary Health-10.1%-recently cause me to buy the bagged salad from Dole I am currently eating. Definitely the least enjoyable part of my formula.
I am in Norway Factor-1.5%-may one day cause me to eat fish or put some fish paste on my bread, I'm hoping i doesn't. Is also pulling strongly for margarine instead of real butter.
What did I just eat Factor-4.6%-yogurt is exempt but otherwise causes a rotation of pancakes and bacon and eggs.
Zone Out Factor-14.7%-the last thing I need is to have to pay attention to my food as I cook it, therefore I rarely have something that can't survive a little extra time cooking (or a little extra crunch).
Cost-4.1%-I haven't dared check what lamb costs in Norway

Now I am guessing that you astutely noted that that only adds up to 88.3%. This leads to my big announcement: I am going to be holding What Factor Should Influence What Magnus Bigelow Eats Idol (also now known as WFSIWMBEI (wif-sewm-bay) for short). I will be posting a poll on the blog listing the above factors (with similar catchy acronyms). The first two weeks will involve half the field being cut followed by the two final rounds in which one will be cut each, leaving only the champion. Now finally a few pictures again.

Dinner: pancakes and salad (to be fair I ate the rest of the bagged salad while writing this post)

Thats what the containers, that once held 10,500 calories of yogurt, look like in a pyramid (thats about 3 weeks worth)

Also if there are a suspicious # of votes for dietary health (If I were at home I would be looking at you mom and dad) I will use my discretion as too whether the vote should count.

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