Monday, August 23, 2010

What a Way to Start the Week

After my first day of real school in which i successfully avoided going backwards in math (I think the class I'm in now is basically pre-calc again) for now (scheduling conflict with Idretts Kultur og Samfunn, read "play volleyball outside class", may cause a move backwards in math) and navigated this

I was getting ready to take a shower and settle down at 8:30ish when the kid who lives in the house my hybel (more on that later) is, Andreas, asked me if I wanted to play soccer at 9:00. I had done so once before and had fun, besides which, once you say no once you might not get asked the next time so i said yes. Thats where my weekend really got on the right track. First I had a minor collision involving the side of my shin which resulted in a lot of pain (always a great sign for nordies when seemingly benign events cause great pain in the shins) and me sitting on the side for about 5 minutes, I also did not score a single goal. Then after a classic no one scores the last goal but instead the lights go out finish I started home on my bike. After about 3 pedals I shifted gears continuing to pedal and snapped my chain in half, sweet. So I scootered the mile home no harm done. Then I realized I forgot my key and my hybel mate had locked the door and the lights where off in the main house so no way of getting a key without waking people up. Luckily I was able to climb through my window to where I am now sitting writing this blog. Tomorrow I get to look forward to more school and either fixing my chain or paying some absurd sum to buy a new one because I have a bicycle trip starting, you guessed it, Wednesday morning.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like the ratio of fun time to academic time is about perfect!
