The past three days I have been on a trip from Finse to Voss with my class 2 Toppidretts and the 2 Idretts class. The first day we took a train from Voss up to Finse dropping our large bags off in Myrdal. When we arrived in Myrdal it was raining and quite cold so naturally I was the only one wearing shorts (apparently rain pants are quite popular in Norway). After visiting the museum in Finse, pertaining to all things involved in builing the railroad up, over and through (literally) the mountains from Oslo to Bergen, we began to bike the approximately 40km to Myrda on the Rallarvegen (work road for the train tracks) with our day packs. Like any good bike ride there were a few casualties, I broke my chain, again (got props for fixing right then and there though), the birthday boy Sondre Elvebakke had his crankset come apart after loosing his bottom bracket screw (not sure if thats the right terminology but basically what keeps the crankset together) at some unknown time. Luckily at this point we were only about a kilometer from Myrdal. After arriving in Myrdal we took a short train ride to a camping area (read large flat area with tall, wet grass) at Upsette. I totally dominated camping by making myself some chicken while everyone else was having just add hot water food and then making raspberries, cream and sugar for dessert (I was in Sondre's tent and his birthday was a great excuse for a delicious dessert). Our tent team then won the Rallarvegen quiz and some sort of Norwegian inferior Sour Patch Kids.
Day two began with a prompt alpine start at 11:00. Once again I slayed the meal by making pancakes with maple syrup. We hiked about 5km to Kaldavashytte. The group then split with a few of us heading up to the top of Øykjafonn the highest mountain in the vicinity and the others returning the way they came. It was a very steep climb up Øykjafonn and for the day we went from about 800 meters above sea level to 1604 and then back down again. I'm not going to say I was the first one into the water or one of only about 5 but if you want to infer that from what you have just read be my guest. Having decided before hand not to bring along eggs and bacon (questionable decision) my food domination ended that night when I showed my lack of tour food knowledge by not using enough water (towards the end it got a bit crunchy and never really looked like Pasta Bolognese). However, my new quiz group (they had us count off in sevens) took first place once again (I was totally a help on at least 1 of the 20+ questions). This time we got the same sour patch kid things but in a crazy plot twist they weren't sour! They had plain sugar on them!
Day three (today) we packed up the tent and put our large bags on the train and biked the 50km back to Voss. Of course right when I thought we had been thrown a curveball and it was not going to rain Norway through us the obligatory 5 minute drizzle (blaming Iceland for bad weather is in vogue right now so to save face on this side of the Atlantic I must add) courtesy of Iceland. However, I really cannot complain as we had the sun at our backs for the final 30km in to Voss. It was a great ride capped off by the great Norwegian smell that can only be obtained by drafting a diesel truck while passing a dairy farm. Below are a few choice shots (out of 13) from the trip.
Chain break= falling to top tube + leg confronting big chainring. Call it a draw between me and the bike this cleaned up nice.
Camp Ground
Blue sky it is a miracle
Top of Øykjafonn
Wow! Your adventures are incredible! Loved hearing about the excursion and your cooking prowess. Tournament time here and I play again with fun player who leaps around and intercepts and puts away the ball, I serve.. much love, May